Thursday, 28 September 2017

Homeless speech

Imagine . people sleeping on the hard ground the cold or hot  sometimes it rains some times thunder . I really want this to stop! Every time i go past new lynn mcdonalds theres always on the walkway a homeless man. You should help them by going by and donating some money please help the homeless. 33 percent of the world is homeless,  donate some money now to help the homeless get a apartment or a house to live there life.

Hi, my name Is MUDDASSIR. My speech will be about homelessness

It is important to have homeless shelters no one wants to sleep on the ground so the homelessness don't get wet and don't get too hot people can visit and donate food money and other helpfull resources. They would also like it

Then they need homes  because  they cant sit in a shelter or on the streets for there whole life. If they have enough money they can buy a  home for themselves or if they are homeless with family or friends they can live together.

Another way is to make the homeless happy you can go up to one,shake there hands and make them happy. You can also make them happy by spending your day with them and buying them will be really helpful and just  imagine you were homeless what would you feel like, what would you feel like doing.

Homeless is something you dont want to be
Because its Frustrating because You have to say please some money but they never give it. So now you should know how it feels  so donate money.

So this is why you help the homeless i feel sad for them everyone does to i just know it. so if you have spare ,money or change go ahead and donate it.

And that means your helping the homeless and one day the homeless will help you.

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